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Three Women – Part 1

June 4, 2020

It is good that there is no formula or specific way in how we come to Christ. For those of us who’ve grown up in church, we can easily assume that salvation comes to us in Sunday school, bible club or youth group, but our path to Christ can look vastly different from one to another, whether a Sunday school grad or not.   Three women in the…

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Not My Story – Part 2

April 30, 2020

Broken places have a beginning in our lives. When we mix brokenness with our sin nature, we can get into big trouble down the road if left alone. I shared in my previous post that God was painfully stripping me of my idols. When I stopped fighting my circumstance with church, my eyes began to open to another issue that I was ignoring, and honestly, ashamed of.  Anxiety. Oh boy, this…

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Not My Story – Part 1

April 22, 2020

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” Psalms 66:16 Not one of us can escape from pain while living in this world; it is a part of our human experience this side of Heaven. Some of us have been through major trials from sickness, loss, and abuse, while others experience a brokenness that lingers quietly in…

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“You’re Not Worth It”

February 6, 2020

Not the message you want to hear first thing on your birthday. But those words filled my mind as I looked into the mirror that morning. I knew I would be showered with birthday love that day but the enemy of my soul made sure I was filled with a different message of worth. Let’s back it up a few weeks. I had been in a great place…

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The Real Gift

December 22, 2019

Fine Line #2: Fear vs. Need Driven Faith One can grow up in the Christian church a pretty good person. You know the right words, learn the verses, actions and posture. But all this can quickly turn into a religion that is driven by fear which could possibly  result in legalistic behavior and thought. I was that girl who accepted Christ multiple times as a youth. I was…

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Fine Line #1: Division vs. Diversity

October 6, 2019

I’m starting a little series that I’ll occasionally do as described in my previous post Fine Lines in the Faith.  Division vs. Diversity Goodness is this not a hot topic today or what?! Perhaps division and diversity have been around since the beginning of time; however, division seems to be increasing in our culture, widening the gap between all kinds of moral and ideological views. I’m not going…